Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Five of the most retarded internet videos

Camera's change the way people act. Ordinary, moral human beings can stand by and watch tragedies happen from behind a camera whereas without one they may help. People will take advantage of others for 15 minutes of fame. In today's age more and more youth have access to camera's and are doing unbelievable things in the name of entertainment which is why I bring you:

Five retarded internet video's uploaded by teenagers


Watch this tv:
A group of eight Somali teenagers from the Twin Cities area decide to create a video called "Watch This T.V." that features them running up to random strangers and:

- Pushing over an old guy on a bike and having his head hit the pavement.
- Pushing some little kid down a hill.
- Tackling people from behind on the sidewalk.
- Ambushing bikers on the Greenway.
- Jumping out at people on walks and punching them.

They then uploaded the video to youtube... complete with a tough guy style intro featuring their real names! Cops have easily tracked down and arrested six of them already.

Watching the video just makes me enraged that people enjoy doing this to random people for fun. Watching the old guy on the bike get knocked over is particularly tough.

The video and the news story are here:

If it's any consolation, Somalia is inevitably going to get it's rear end invaded by the African Union once their patience runs thin. If there's one thing that unites most of sub-Saharan Africa aside from their hatred of Europeans and Arabs, it's their hatred of Somalis.


Five black males repetitively hump a chair/wall/floor/mirror/air

The title basically sums it up here five black teens hump furniture. None of them found it the least homoerotic. I'd like to let all the lucky ladies reading this article know these guys are single!

Teens give a baby ecstasy

In this video some older teens poke, prod and harass a baby aboard a moving car while they and the baby are under the influence of the drug ecstasy. What makes this video disgusting is the baby isn't even in a car seat!

Special poetry slam- life in drag

Before you get angry at me for posting this I'd like to explain. I nor anyone associated with this site condone or would refrain from punching anyone who makes fun of the differently abled. However one can tell a great deal about the age we live in knowing that the special poetry slam videos were stolen from a private event and uploaded for the sick pleasure of people like Opie and Anthony to make remixes, edits and general mockery of these brave people. Read the comments if you dare.

Any Parody of "I'm on a boat" by the lonely Island

Pound this into your thick skulls, I'm on a boat is a parody. Any further parody is not only obnoxious, unnecessary and practically infringement but it's also retarded! It's like listening to a Weird Al Yankovic album and making a parody of "Amish Paradise". Just don't do it. If you've made one of these parodies congratulations you are the most retarded person on the internet!

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